Physical Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Physically relaxes the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces heart rate
  • Slows respiration
  • Loosens tight muscles
  • Stretches connective tissues
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Improves skin tone
  • Increases blood and lymph circulation
  • Speeds the removal of metabolic waste
  • Increases red blood cell counts
  • Relieves tired and aching muscles
  • Physically relaxes the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces heart rate
  • Slows respiration
  • Loosens tight muscles
  • Stretches connective tissues
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Improves skin tone
  • Increases blood and lymph circulation
  • Speeds the removal of metabolic waste
  • Increases red blood cell counts
  • Relieves tired and aching muscles
  • Massage Relaxes Tense Muscles

    Muscles can become tight and ineffective for many reasons. Stress, injury, poor circulation, overuse, and misuse, can all cause you pain and discomfort as well as restrict your normal range of motion. When left unattended, these conditions can become habitual and hamper the quality of your everyday life.

    Massage therapy stretches and loosens tight muscles, and connective tissue, breaking down and preventing further formation of adhesions, freeing your range of motion and reducing the dangers of fibrosis.

  • Massage Can Improve Nerve Function

    Contracted muscles can press on or pinch your nerves causing tingling, numbness, or pain.

    Massage therapy relaxes these contracted muscles to relieve the compression on your nerves. Sensory receptors in the skin and muscles “wake up” bringing new awareness to areas that have felt “cut off” by chronic tension patterns.

  • Massage Improves Skin Tone

    The sun, smog, poor diet, and the unstoppable aging process all contribute to the drying, wrinkling, and the general loss of the youthful characteristics of your skin.

    Massage therapy dilates the blood capillaries of the skin increasing the uptake of vital skin repairing nutrients and speeding the removal of harmful toxins. This improved skin texture and relieving dryness and itching.

    Remember, this is the only body you’re going to get.  Take great care of it!

  • Massage Increases Blood Circulation

    A tight muscle cannot hold much fluid nor can it allow much fluid to pass through it. This decreases your circulation of blood and increases the strain placed on your heart. This can leave you feeling fatigued and sore, reducing your precious energy reserves.

    Massage therapy releases contracted muscles and pushes venous blood towards the heart, thus easing the strain on this vital organ. This increase in circulation brings energy producing nutrients and oxygen to your cells as well as carries away metabolic waste products that can make you feel listless and drained. 

    In addition, massage therapy increases your body’s oxygen carrying red blood cell count helping to bring even more oxygen to your body’s cells.